Interior Re-design

“Lord, give me a heart that is _________”. Many of us filled in the blank back in November. This teaching year we aimed to be Transformed – to grow as disciples of Jesus and become more like Him, individually and as a church. But how is this possible? In September and October, we gathered insight as we studied the first part of Jesus’s sermon (Matthew 5:1-12). We recently completed a study from the book of Nehemiah and learned more about God’s mission to (re)build community. Now, as we enter summer, we want to delve into very practical steps essential for disciples of Christ with a new sermon series entitled, “Interior Re-design: Make great space for God. Yes, in many ways it is like a home renovation. There are things in our lives to move out, and things we want to put into our lives. The time is coming and is now here to make great space for God.