Thanks for checking out the church membership page on our website!
We are glad that you are a part of our church family, and we trust that Westview has become a place where you feel at home. We desire to be a family of people who grow together, fellowship, and serve together.
We believe that choosing membership should be a natural impulse and expression of a healthy Christian life. We recognize that Jesus Christ is both Saviour and Lord.
We desire to be a church of people who are deeply committed to growing together, fellowshipping together, and serving together. Membership is also committing ourselves to be accountable to the spiritual leadership of the church. As believers in community together God has given us elders who are the spiritual shepherds of the church.
If you’ve accepted Jesus as your Savior and have been baptized, contact us to begin the process, or join us for the next class to learn more:
Membership Class
Learn more about the denomination we belong to, our statement of faith, mission statement, values, and how your role as a member makes a difference! (There is no cost.)
If you are interested in taking that next step in your relationship with Westview Baptist Church and want to pursue Membership, please CLICK HERE to connect with Tyler (our Discipleship & Care Pastor)